California Inmate Search

Sonoma County Inmate Search

To find inmates in Sonoma County jail, use Sonoma County inmate search.
Enter an inmate's last name or booking number in the form below and submit to search.
Then click on the inmate name of a result to get inmate details like facility, charge, bail amount and scheduled court date.
If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Sonoma County jail.

Sonoma County Jail
Main Adult Detention Facility: 2777 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, California 95403, (707) 565-1400
North County Detention Facility: 2254 Ordinance Road, Santa Rosa, California 95403, (707) 565-1400

To get someone out of Sonoma County jail, call a bail bondsman.
Aladdin Bail Bonds (707) 525-0881
Rod Buntjer Bail Bonds (707) 569-8281

County inmate search in California