California Inmate Search

Tehama County Inmate Search

To find Tehama County jail inmates, use Tehama County inmate search.
The inmate roster lists inmates currently in custody in the jail.

Tehama County Inmate Listing
(Inmate Listing Screenshot)

Click on the inmate name of a record to get inmate information like mugshot, arrest date, bail and charge.
If you are unable to find the inmate, contact Tehama County jail.

Tehama County Jail
Address: 502 Oak Street, Red Bluff, California 96080
Phone: (530) 529-7910

Click here to look up Tehama County inmates online.

To get someone out of Tehama County jail, call a bail bondsman.
Aladdin Bail Bonds (530) 241-5848
Godfather Bail Bonds (530) 527-6799

County inmate search in California